Former Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) has broken his silence after facing continuous criticism from Congress leaders, including current CM Revanth Reddy. Accused of avoiding the Assembly and staying confined to his farmhouse, KCR made a powerful public statement, cautioning that while he has been observing the situation quietly, his response—when it comes—will be anything but mild.
Taking a direct dig at the Congress-led government, KCR alleged that key welfare schemes are being mismanaged and that Revanth Reddy has misled the public who voted for him. Mocking the current administration, he remarked that all of its schemes have “sunk without a trace.”
He further slammed the government over frequent power cuts and water shortages, accusing it of silencing critics by misusing law enforcement agencies. KCR also attacked Congress for allegedly exploiting the Muslim community for electoral benefits, adding fuel to the already intense political atmosphere in the state.
With these sharp remarks, KCR has reignited political tensions in Telangana, hinting at a fierce battle ahead in the state’s political landscape.