DGP Dwaraka Tirumala Rao said that steps are being taken to set up a cyber police station in each district across the state. During his visit of Srikakulam district, he told media persons that there is a proposal to set up special sessions courts to ensure immediate punishment for criminals who commit sexual harassment against women, elderly people and children.
He said that though they are able to check other crimes to great extent, cyber crimes are increasing and this has become a nationwide issue. He said that they are thinking about how to control this and experienced cyber experts will be appointed in the proposed cyber police stations, which will enable them to solve pending cases.
Similarly, DGP Dwaraka Tirumala Rao revealed that awareness among the people about this is important. He advised not to pay money if any unknown person calls. He said that awareness is the only way to prevent cyber crime and clarified that digital arrest is not legal.
“We are able to control most of the crimes. We will install CCTV cameras in every district with the help of people and donors. Our idea is that any crime should be recorded in some camera. We have set a target of installing one lakh CCTV cameras by March 31,” the DGP added.
He said that steps are being taken to make the state a ganja -free state. As part of this, he said that the Eagle Task Force has been set up. He said that 39,000 kg of marijuana was neutralized in Paravada, Anakapalle district on Tuesday. He said that CCTV cameras are very useful in recording every crime.
DGP asserted that there is no possibility of Maoists from the border states taking refuge within the state in the Andhra- Odisha border areas in view of large scale anti- Maoists activities by the police in the neighboring states. He is confident that the state police is alert to all situations and equipped itself to prevent the possibility of Maoists revival in the state.