BRS Working President K.T. Rama Rao (KTR) has been referring to the name of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu (CBN) in most of his Telangana-specific political propaganda. Recently, KTR shared a video in which CBN is appreciating Telangana’s policies, and this recognition from such a veteran leader becomes an important recognition for the policymaking of the BRS government.
This time, KTR invoked CBN’s name once again, but this time to target Telangana Congress leader Revanth Reddy. On social media, KTR posted a video of CBN recognizing Telangana’s leadership in per capita income, attributing the achievement to the state’s progressive government policies. KTR tweeted, Chief Minister of AP @ncbn Garu has candidly acknowledged on several occasions that Telangana has become the state with the highest per capita income in India because of progressive Govt policies over the last one decade
Thank you CBN Garu. Please educate your erratic erstwhile disciple who is unable to digest this fact
By sharing CBN’s comments, KTR took the opportunity to claim credit for Telangana’s impressive economic growth, linking it to the BRS government’s vision. He also suggested that CBN educate his former ally, Revanth Reddy, on the truth of the matter.