Some of the promises made by Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu during his visit to Maidukuru in YSR district on Saturday were fulfilled within 24 hours. The officials paid special attention to the petitions received directly by the Chief Minister to strengthen the platform for resolving public issues that the state government is implementing with great prestige.
District Collector Cherukuri Sridhar responded quickly to the petitions received by the CM in Maidakur, and a solution was found within 24 hours. The CM visited Maidukuru on Saturday as part of the Swarna Andhra-Swachh Andhra program. On this occasion, the CM visited the house of Vishnuvandana in the local Vinayakanagar.
He congratulated Vishnuvandana for separating wet and dry garbage and creating wealth from garbage by cultivating vegetables in the house premises. At that time, she and her family members submitted several petitions, and the CM instructed the officials to examine them and help.
With this, on Sunday, Collector Sridhar and JC Aditi Singh went to Vishnuvandana’s residence and resolved four of the six requests received from the family. Vishnuvandana’s maternal uncle Subbaraya was granted an old age pension. A welding machine was distributed to her husband Veera Prasad for employment.
Her ailing daughter-in-law Uma Lakshmi Devi was given treatment at home, Vishnu Vandana was given a job under the Neighborhood Services, and Uma Lakshmi Devi’s husband Nagendra Babu was given financial assistance through BC Corporation for purchasing a vehicle
The Collector ordered the Employment Generation Department to provide a job to Subbaraya’s daughter’s son Neeraj Chand. Vishnuvandana’s family members expressed happiness over the immediate fulfillment of some of the promises made by the CM and the initiative taken for others.
They thanked CM Chandrababu, MLA Putta Sudhakar Yadav and the district authorities. DRDA and MEPMA PDs Anand Nayak and Suresh Reddy, BC Corporation ED Jayasimha, Tahsildar Rajasimha Narendra, and Commissioner M. Srinivasula Reddy participated in the program.