Union Minister Kishan Reddy has demanded that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi respond to the unfulfilled promises made by his party in Telangana before visiting the state. Reddy pointed out that the 100-day period for fulfilling the election promises had already passed and questioned why crucial commitments, such as the release of a job calendar and financial assistance for women, the elderly, farmers, and Dalits, had not been implemented.
“Why hasn’t the job calendar been announced? What actions have been taken on the promises related to unemployment benefits, financial aid for women, and support for the elderly, farmers, and Dalits?” Reddy asked, criticizing Congress for diverting attention to protests under the guise of constitutional issues, while failing to address their election pledges.
He also took a strong stance on Congress’s treatment of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution. “If any party has insulted Dr. Ambedkar and his Constitution, it is the Congress party. They were responsible for his defeat in elections. On the other hand, the BJP government honored Dr. Ambedkar with the Bharat Ratna,” Kishan Reddy said.
Reddy further highlighted that Congress leaders had a tradition of focusing on the Gandhi family rather than honoring other prominent leaders. Reflecting on recent election results, he noted that the people of Telangana had granted the BJP eight seats, expressing confidence that with the public’s support, the BJP would establish a government in the state in the near future.