Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy on Thursday, in a bold statement at Delhi, spoke sharply targeting the AAP leader, Arvind Kejriwal. In order to campaign for the Delhi Assembly elections, the chief minister expressed determination to defeat Arvind Kejriwal, whom he called “Kavita’s liquor partner”, an indication that a political fight would be on its way.
Revanth Reddy has targeted both the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and Kejriwal for failure to deliver on behalf of the residents of Delhi. “Delhi voters have elected Modi as Prime Minister three times and Kejriwal as Chief Minister three times”. But what has Delhi gained in return? The city faces rising pollution and political chaos. Real development in Delhi only took place under the leadership of the late Sheila Dikshit,” he emphasized, urging Delhi voters to turn to Congress for real change.
Continuing his criticism, Revanth added, “Both Modi and Kejriwal have competed to offer holidays and enable corruption, but neither has made Delhi a livable city. Modi talks about space missions while neglecting Delhi’s core issues. The people of Delhi have experienced the governance of both Modi and Kejriwal, and it’s high time to bring Congress back to power to restore proper governance.”
Revanth also highlighted Congress’s success in Telangana, where promises were kept, and corruption was tackled head-on. “In Telangana, we eradicated corruption and fulfilled our promises, focusing on the welfare of the common people. We defeated Kejriwal’s liquor partner in Telangana, ensuring development. Now, we will do the same in Delhi,” he concluded, further energizing Congress’s campaign.
Revanth Reddy’s remarks have added momentum to Congress’s efforts in Delhi, positioning the party as a strong contender for governance in the capital. With his powerful statements, he has outlined a clear vision for Delhi’s future under Congress leadership.