The ongoing conflict within the Manchu family is reaching new heights, now spilling over from Hyderabad’s Jalpally to MB University in Tirupati. Over the past few days, Mohan Babu and his family have been celebrating Sankranthi with university students, but tensions erupted when Manoj and his wife Mounika arrived at the campus yesterday and were stopped from entering.
Manoj explained that his visit was to honor his late grandparents and to experience the Jallikattu event. Despite the restrictions, police escorted them onto the campus. Mohan Babu, having anticipated his son’s arrival, had secured court orders beforehand. As a result, he filed a legal case against Manoj for violating the court’s orders. In addition, Mohan Babu took further steps to ensure security by hiring bouncers.
Manoj, in his defense, pointed out his significant role in the creation of MB University and mentioned that some students supported him. He made the decision to stay out of further controversy and completed his visit without causing any disruption.
With Mohan Babu now pursuing legal action, the family dispute is becoming increasingly complicated. The situation calls for a resolution behind closed doors to prevent the matter from escalating further and dominating the public narrative.