Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan said that the Green Co Integrated Renewable Energy Project being set up in Ponnapuram, Orvakallu Mandal, is a wonderful project in the country. After visiting the project, he said that setting up wind power, solar power and hydraulic power units in the same area is commendable.
He said that pollution-free electricity will be generated here through solar, wind and hydro power. Anil Chalamsetty and Mahesh started Green Co. He reminded them that they have invested Rs. 1.5 lakh crore in the country in the solar and other power generation sector.
Pawan Kalyan said that Rs. 30,000 crores have been invested in AP. Another Rs. 20,000 crores will be invested. He revealed that Rs. 10,000 crores have been invested in Ponnapuram and another Rs. 14,000 crores will be invested. The carbon-free energy produced here will be supplied to industries like green steel, green aluminum, and green hydrogen production, he added.
Pawan Kalyan said that he came here after hearing allegations that the management had violated forest rules and occupied 45 hectares. In fact, he said that 1700 acres out of 2800 acres were purchased for the construction of the Green Co project. He appreciated that such a wonderful project is being undertaken on lands that are not suitable for agriculture.
Deputy CM stated that CM Chandrababu Naidu has been focusing on green energy, after IT and investments have come as a part of it. He revealed that the company had given 365 acres of land in Nellore district for this.
He said that in the future, this has the potential to develop as a tourist area and an educational tour place. He suggested that work should be undertaken to provide employment to the youth of this area during the construction of the project.
He deplored that government lands are being encroached on to a large extent in Kadapa and Chittoor districts. He said that he would review the revenue and forest land disputes on the encroachment of forest land. Meanwhile, he said that the Grow Co project was started in Kurnool in 2021 and that 10,000 people are directly employed and 40,000 people are indirectly employed through this project.