Telugu superstar Allu Arjun has received a significant reprieve from the Nampally court, which had earlier mandated his appearance at the Chikkadpally police station every Sunday. This came following an appeal to the court on the actor’s safety and security concerns. The court’s favorable decision has been a much-needed respite for the busy star.
This was another positive development-the court has permitted Allu Arjun to travel abroad. This would clear all the way for the actor to plan for the well-deserved break before returning to focus on his professional commitments.
Now that all the legal hassles are settled, Allu Arjun can focus on his next film with the celebrated director Trivikram Srinivas. The yet-untitled project has already built much excitement among fans. Now, with a more relaxed schedule, the film’s production will go without a hitch to the delight of his fans.
The court’s verdict has been greeted with widespread joy from Allu Arjun’s die-hard fan following. Many had feared that the weekly police station visits would hamper the actor’s busy schedule and security. The relief not only allows him to focus on his upcoming projects but also gives him a chance to concentrate on his personal life and long-term goals.
As Allu Arjun prepares to take off possibly for a foreign trip and before he plunges into his next big film, fans are on the lookout for updates on what promises to be yet another milestone in the career of the beloved “Pushpa” star.