Nandamuri Bala Krishna is all set to ring in this Pongal release with his upcoming highly anticipated film ‘Daaku Maharaaj’ under the direction of Bobby Kolli. Scheduled for a grand theatrical release on January 14, the movie boasts a stellar cast, including Bobby Deol as the main antagonist, Pragya Jaiswal and Shraddha Srinath as the female leads, with Urvashi Rautela and Shine Tom Chacko in significant roles.
With just two days to go before its theatrical release, the filmmakers unveiled a gripping release trailer today. The final trailer of Daaku Maharaaj is packed with intense action scenes, powerful punchlines, and elevations of God of Masses Bala Krishna with his signature mass appeal, which are definitely a feast for Balayya fans. Complementing the visuals, SS Thaman’s electrifying background score added another layer to the cinematic experience.
Earlier, the makers released the theatrical trailer, but compared to that, this final release trailer has elevated anticipation further, showcasing high-octane moments and impactful dialogues, which are garnering a lot of attention. The film’s trailer cut is heightening the expectations on the film, and fans are eagerly awaiting the film’s release.
Promising a feast for the mass movie lovers, this high-budget mass action film is backed by Naga Vamsi and Sai Soujanya under the banners of Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas. Stay tuned for more updates!!