RRR’s visionary director, S.S. Rajamouli, expressed his eagerness to bring the film to life in Dolby Vision. He revealed, “I always dreamed of presenting RRR in Dolby Vision. However, due to the lack of this technology in India at the time, our team had to travel to Germany to complete the process. It was a bit disappointing not to experience it locally, but now, with the technology available at Annapurna Studios, I’m incredibly proud.”
Rajamouli also said that by the time his next film hits the screens, Dolby Vision will be available across India. He added, “Watching a film in Dolby Vision offers an entirely new, grand experience. The enhanced visual clarity brings the story to life, taking the entire cinematic experience to the next level. I look forward to audiences across the country enjoying this innovative technology.”
The director elaborated on how Dolby Vision isn’t just visually enhancing but takes the storytelling into a different world, offering richness and depth that moviegoers can appreciate much more.
Part of the function was also Nagarjuna, an actor. He expressed his delight, saying, “Bringing Dolby Vision to our studio, especially on its 50th anniversary, is a milestone. Our commitment to advancing Indian cinema remains unwavering.”
Dolby Vision will transform the process of filmmaking and deliver to audiences a viewing experience they’ve never seen before,” commented Supriya Yarlagadda. “It is a game-changer for cinema in India.”
Footage of exclusive excerpts from RRR, captured in Dolby Vision, were displayed to mesmerize the audience. The film and sound technologies at the Dolby Laboratories will unleash fresh and fascinating avenues for Indian cinema to capture an unprecedented world stage, opine the experts.