Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan is set to embark on village tours across the state to engage directly with the public. The tour, scheduled to begin after Sankranti, will cover select villages in each district. During his visits, Pawan Kalyan will stay in tents set up within the villages, which will also function as temporary camp offices to address local issues. According to sources, officials have already finalized the tour itinerary, with the first leg of the tour expected to begin from Srikakulam district.
As part of his engagements, Pawan Kalyan will visit Pithapuram today, where he will inaugurate a mini Gokulam constructed under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). Following this, he will participate in Sankranti celebrations organized at a local municipal school and inspect the stalls set up for the event.
Later in the day, he will virtually inaugurate several facilities, including the Gollaprolu Tahsildar office. Pawan Kalyan will conclude his visit with an address at a public meeting.