The stampede at Sandhya theatre in Hyderabad on the midnight of December 4th during the screening of Pushpa 2 resulted in the loss of a life and also injured a few persons. A woman named Revathi succumbed to death and her two kids were severely injured in the unfortunate. One kid Sri Teja is currently battling for life in a private hospital in Hyderabad.
The incident, which led to the arrest of actor of Allu Arjun, has now turned into a political issue with the latest statements from Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy during the ongoing assembly sessions on Saturday. Revanth Reddy openly fired on Allu Arjun for his negligence and also expressed displeasure over the overaction of Tollywood celebs after his release from jail.
After Revanth Reddy’s speech, Cinematography Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy announced 25 lakhs ex-gratia to the victim’s family from his Prateekh Foundation. He promised to handover the help tomorrow. He made this announcement during his speech and his generous deed received a big applause from all the members in the house irrespective of parties they belonged to.
Komatireddy also stated the government will bear the hospital expenses of the kid and assured full support to the victim’s family. He informed that the principal secretary is keenly monitoring the condition of the kid in hospital.
It is a known fact that Allu Arjun came forward and announced 25 lakhs to the victim’s family. He couldn’t visit the kid due to the conditions put by the High Court on granting bail to him. But, his team is continuously following the kid’s situation every day.