When senior actor Nandamuri Balakrishna joins forces with director Boyapati Srinu, there will be Thaandavam at the Tollywood box office because of the fiery combination which already delivered a hat-trick of blockbusters like Simha, Legend and Akhanda. The duo is a treat for masses as they cultivated a taste to serve full-length masala entertainers with unbridled violence and bloodshed.
The powerful duo is once again coming together for the sequel to Akhanda, an action drama doused with a tinge of Hindu mythology based on lord Shiva. This time it is Akhanda 2 – Thaandavam, as the name suggests it is going to create a storm at the box office due to the huge anticipation.
The regular shooting kicked off with an action episodes and the makers have sealed the release date well in advance. As per reports, Akhanda 2 will hit the screens on 25th September 2025 as a Dussehra festival gift. The team unveiled a striking poster which features a hand holding a bloodstained Trishul, hinting that the sequel will be more intense and violent.
A brief promo is also released and it has a powerful dialogue by Balakrishna and vintage Thaman background score to heighten the expectations on the film.
The film is produced by Raam Achanta and Gopi Achanta under the 14 Reels Plus banner and presented by M Tejaswini Nandamuri. This will be Balakrishna and Boyapati’s first pan-India film. SS Thaman will compose the music again, while C Ramprasad will handle cinematography along with Santoshh D Detakae. Art director AS Prakash and editor Tammiraju will also be part of the crew.