Icon star Allu Arjun’s latest offering Pushpa 2, the most anticipated film of the year, is on a record-breaking spree at the box office left right and centre during the first weekend. While the domestic numbers are absolutely maddening, the overseas figures are nothing short of sensational in the first three days. In the biggest overseas territory North America, Pushpa 2 is putting on a spectacular box office performance with a mind-boggling run that has left trade circles and critics in a state of shock.
As we publish this article, Pushpa 2 screamed past the $ 8 Million mark in just three days which is a commendable feat because only blockbusters like Baahubali 2, Kalki 2898AD and RRR managed to have a similar run in the past. The sequel is now targeting to hunt more records in the next few days to emerge as one of the biggest grossing films of all time in the history of Indian cinema.
Pushpa 2 embarked on a stunning box office show with $ 3.4 Million from Wednesday premieres and added an impressive $ 1 Million on Thursday to take one the biggest openings of all time with a combined total of $ 4.48 Million on the first day. Cashing in on the unprecedented hype and hysteria among moviegoers from all languages, Pushpa 2 appeared to gain strength towards the weekend as it amassed a phenomenal $ 1.55 Million on Friday. The total gross crossed the recent pan-India film Devara, starring NTR in the lead role, which managed to gross $ 6 Million in the full run.
The first Saturday saw a carnage of footfalls at the box office in both USA and Canada as the film grossed more than $ 2 Million including both territories. Films like Baahubali 2, Kalki, RRR, Animal, Pathaan, Jawan have achieved a similar feat in the past.
Pushpa 2 now aims to topple more records in the next couple of weeks. No doubt it would target films like Dangal, RRR and Animal in the long run, but the question can it replace Kalki 2898AD in the long run. The Prabhas starrer collected $ 18 Million in North America. What is more shocking is that the Hindi version is collecting on par with the Telugu version in North America. Only Baahubali 2 achieved such a rare distinction and now Pushpa 2 is set to emulate it.
Allu Arjun’s stellar performance and some whistle-worthy episodes overcame the negative aspects in the sequel and generated a strong talk which is now reflecting in the box office performance.
Pushpa 2 in North America
Premieres+Day1 : $4,480,632
Day2 : $1,554,709
Day3 : $1,942,370 ( more to add)
Total : Crossed $ 8 Million