Vijayalakshmi Vadlapati, renowned as Silk Smitha, ruled the silver screen in the 80s with her bold performances and dance numbers, earning her the title of a sensual icon in South Indian cinema. She predominantly worked in Telugu and Tamil, and in addition, she also worked in Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi.
On the occasion of Silk Smitha’s birth anniversary, the production house, STRI Cinemas, has announced a biopic on her in the upcoming feature film, titled “Silk Smitha: Queen of the South.” The makers unveiled the announcement glimpse today.
The announcement glimpse begins with a dramatic sequence featuring then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi reacting to Smitha’s widespread media coverage, asking, “Who is this Silk?” Someone answers, “Madam, like you’re the Iron Lady, she is the magnetic lady.” Meanwhile, the glimpse introduces Silk Smitha, highlighting her on-screen and off-screen persona, showcasing her allure as she steps out of a car to the admiration of onlookers. Silk was seen playing with dogs, signing a fan’s chest.
The glimpse reveals her track record, reflecting her glorious career spanning 450 films in five languages over 17 years. However, the video doesn’t shy away from portraying the challenges Silk faced, including harsh criticism labeling her as a “strip dancer” and a “disgrace to womanhood.” These moments juxtaposed with her vulnerable side. The glimpse ends with someone calling her by her real name, Vijayalaksmi.
Directed by Jayaram, the biopic is produced by STRI Cinemas with V. Mahastri Amirtharaj presenting it. Chandrika Ravi is portraying the titular role as Silk Smitha in her biopic.The film is scheduled to release in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi.