Minister Narayana’s Defamation suit Haunting YC Jagan

Former Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy approached the AP High Court against the defamation petition filed by Municipal Administration minister Dr P Narayana against him in the Public Representatives Court, Vijayawada. The YCP chief urged the High Court to dismiss the defamation suit against him.

In 2018, the then minister Narayana filed a criminal case in a special court in Vijayawada for publishing a news article in the Sakshi newspaper, owned by the family of Jaganmohan Reddy, in the case of capital Amaravati lands to damage his reputation.

In this petition, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and others have been included as respondents. The court which investigated the case issued summons to Jagan many times, but he did not appear in the court. Due to this case only, when Jaganmohan Reddy approached the High Court challenging the conditions put forward by this court for issuance of NOC for his passport renewal.

Vijayawada court has issued summons many times but Jagan has not taken them. Meanwhile, the Vijayawada court has once again issued a summons to Jaganmohan Reddy and the hearing has been postponed to 29th of this month. With this, Jagan approached the High Court to strike out the defamation case filed against him in the Vijayawada court.

The High Court judge Justice VRK Kripasagar will hear the petition on Monday. Recently, the case in the Vijayawada special court has become a problem for Jaganmohan Reddy for renewal of his passport and he was forced to postpone his proposed London visit.

He challenged in the High Court on the conditions of the special court and the renewal of the passport only for one year. However, the High Court said that the court should renew the passport for five years, but the conditions of the Vijayawada Special Court will be applicable.

Jagan also advised to personally attend the court to submit Rs 20,000 surety. . And now it remains to be seen what decision the judge will take in the court hearing on Monday.

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