Will Vallabhaneni Vamsi Seek a New Future in the USA If Election Defeat Looms?

Two- time Gannavaram MLA Vallabhaneni Vamsi, who had left for USA soon after polling in Andhra Pradesh, on the plea of his son’s higher education is said to be unlikely to return home if he defeats in the counting of votes to be held on June 4.

Though winning from this seat as TDP candidate, after migrating to ruling YCP soon after 2019 polls, he has cultivates enmity with all sections of people, particularly leaders of both TDP and YCP Moreover, his `politics of hate’ makes him most `unacceptable’ leader. All this has contributed in posing a severe challenge for his re-election and political circles are predicting that he is unlikely to win over present polls.

His close associates of the view that he had left the country sensing his imminent defeat and also with a fear it would be difficult for him to remain here after losing the elections. He is expecting that there would be severe retaliatory attacks on his as for the five years he has been continuing a `region of terror’ against his political opponents.

Incidentally, though after 2019 he had left TDP without resigning as MLA, none of local YCP leaders did not received him and maintained distance towards him. In clear terms, they have been cautioning Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy if the party fields him as its candidate, they would be forced to oppose him.

After YCP announced him as its candidate, constituency in charge Yarlagadda Venkata Rao, an NRI, who had contested against him in 2019 joined TDP and contested as its candidate. This helped in the coming together of all anti- Vamsi forces to intensively work for his defeat.

Particularly, his abusive language used in the state assembly against Nara Bhuvaneswari had earned him a lot of hatred among various sections. This is likely to make it impossible to continue here if TDP forms the next government. So, according to sources for the last year he has been making efforts to settle in the USA by obtaining a VISA there.

As a part of that, it is said that he had invested over Rs.20 crores in two companies in USA, which will enable him to apply for EB 5 VISA and after a year he may even get a Green Card. His associates stated that presently he is in Dallas, from where he is reportedly in touch with some BJP leaders aiming at joining that party. He is expecting that BJP will be helpful for him as a `protection shield’ from possible revenge operations.

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