OTT Review : Ritika Singh Valari 

Release Date : March 06, 2024

Cast: Ritika Singh, Sriram, Uttej, Subbaraju, Princess Sahasra, Pharrnitha Rudra Raju

Director: Mritika Santoshini Rating : 2.5/5


In the depths of the old bungalow where Naveen’s family finds refuge, they unearth a hidden chamber holding relics of a troubled past. Among the aged photographs and yellowed documents lies the chilling tale of the bungalow’s former inhabitants. Once, it belonged to a prosperous family torn asunder by tragedy.

The central figure in this saga is Maya, a tormented 13-year-old whose anguish drove her to commit a heinous act. In a cruel twist of fate, she extinguished the lives of her own parents within the very walls now explored by Naveen’s kin.

As the layers of history peel away, the threads connecting Naveen’s lineage to the bungalow’s past come into sharp focus. Long ago, his forebears shared an intimate bond with the ill-fated family who once dwelled there. Yet, this kinship bore a heavy burden—a curse that intertwined their destinies with the haunting echoes of Maya’s transgressions.

Divya’s unsettling dreams, depicting the tragic demise of parents at the hands of a young girl, serve as a spectral echo from the past. In her subconscious, Maya’s restless spirit seeks solace and absolution, reaching out to Divya’s receptive soul.

With each passing day, Divya becomes enmeshed in the bungalow’s enigmatic web, bearing witness to increasingly ominous signs of otherworldly presence. The accident that befalls her, seemingly orchestrated by the spectral force, serves as a dire warning of the unrest brewing within the ancient walls.

Through a journey fraught with revelations and perilous encounters, Naveen’s family embarks on a quest to quell the restless spirits and lay to rest the shadows of the past. In their pursuit of closure, they not only liberate Maya’s tormented soul but also unravel the tangled strands of fate that have ensnared their own lineage for generations.


Ritika Singh’s portrayal serves as the driving force behind “Valari,” anchoring the film with a solid performance that particularly shines in action sequences and pivotal moments. However, despite its commendable attempt to tackle a relevant social issue, the film falls short in delivering the anticipated suspense and thrill, a departure from the expectations set by its trailer.

The supporting cast, including Sriram, Uttej, and Subbaraju, fulfill their roles adequately but lack standout moments. “Valari” struggles with execution, evident in staging and dialogue delivery, which diminishes the impact of crucial scenes.

While the film introduces intriguing concepts, it fails to effectively translate them onto the screen, resulting in a sense of dissatisfaction despite its exploration of pertinent themes. Certain scenes that could have heightened the narrative’s impact are hindered by subpar execution, and the absence of gripping narration undermines its potential as a thriller.

In summary, “Valari” doesn’t quite meet expectations, failing to deliver a compelling and engaging viewing experience despite its earnest efforts to address significant social issues.

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